a strong supporter of the Armed Forces and a proponent of further colonial expansion and increases in ... replaced with ALSI, AMI and EVI. Their GF/IS component should also increase. Overall this would have t... ervice the majority of his line have been commissioned officers, since 3100 none have retired below the rank of Captain (or marine Lt Col in three cases). T
en regarded as a "talking shop" where little was done. Jackson's tough, no-nonsense reputation was a ma... lection. His replacement as High Admiral was Hermione Xen. As Chairman, he has launched the anti-piracy... ned a non-aggression pact with the MAFC and later one with the UoX. He launched Operation Panama, an an... on of a Federation between the FWA worlds. He was one of the authors of a draft constitution for the pr
==== Last unit ====
Marine Regiment 751, under Colonel Ranjit, ASS Has He Luck, Fleet Audie L Murphy.
... ere he commanded B Group (as temp Major) and lead one of the main thrusts into the inner structure. Per... and completed a university degree in zoology.
A one year spell off-world on a peacekeeping/humanitari... y things, is in holo-disc recording which he has done semi-professionally when off-duty.
==== Wound
yet to be released.\\ \\ Rear Admiral Rackham is one of the Empire's finest naval officers, with a rep...
===== Biographical Details =====
3155 Born in zone 69, Southern Brit-Cit, Earth
3177 Educated at Br... of heavy cruiser ESS Agamemnon. |
|3197 | |Mentioned in despatches for conduct of First Battle of 116
r Economics and wrote his first work of fiction "Money, Money, Money" a future history in which he envisaged the economic collapse of the Home Systems and their in
complete her medical degree and become a commissioned medical officer.
===== Other Information =====... sitting in a chair trying to get some sleep. Everyone in the aid post was either killed or seriously wo... She regained consciousness and she spoke to a Colonel Davidson who reported "He seems very weak but sp... e enemy's lines for four hours. Next day she took one TRUC to the advanced positions, and, under heavy
. Played by James.
===== Current Position =====
One of the Lost 130th, Kampf is wanted by the Earth a... ed, and the remaining members of the regiment pardoned. As one of the 'Lost 130th' the pardon does not apply to Kampf or his comrades. If captured Kampf wil
wo Directing Staff and a squad of NCO candidates. One of the DS and four candidates were taken down by the grenades, two of them dead, including one of the DS.
The Board of Inquiry found that Shar... pirate vessel.
===== Other Information =====
Honesty and Integrity are words that Yehudi only has a