egiance to the Solar Republic shall have at least one voting member of the Grand Council of Senators, t... of the Grand Council of Senators shall always be one of the voting members
- Each Senator may endo... owe allegiance to the Solar Republic shall choose one Senator each. In addition the Imperium of Earth N... f 100.
- Senators having achieved the age of one hundred years shall continue to serve as 'Senior
nity Will Prevail]] play by e-mail game.// //None of the material on this domain is canon unless Ji... ts in the system and the third planet is the only one inhabited by humans, known as Dundee. It has an M... are eventually soiled and need to be changed. Anyone not criticising some aspect of the Government wou... **
The only method is for the First Minister, or one of the Council of State, to invoke their right as
seven stout-hearted sportsmen to form your team. One must be designated at the stool-keeper, no more t... ner of what constitutes fair and unfair play and none shall argue during the course of the game with th... ted from wood so as to withstand sudden impact of one or more players unbalanced, or the high speed of ... dle must have blunt rounded edges and be at least one inch in thickness along the blade. In total it sh
hanics ======
Each complete game turn represents one day of the sitting of the Convention. Each of the... faction) allow players to move an NPC voting card one place. The following rules apply:
* a card can ... by the same player in a single game turn
* Only one of the paired cards in a row may be moved by a pl... outer) lane when all the other rows have at least one card supporting that faction
* Cards can only b
where they can see the tray, and uncovers it for one minute. Then each of them must make a list on a p... of paper of all the articles he can remember… The one who remembers most wins the game."
**Comments:*... === Sweeties =====
**Props:** Some small plates (one per group) and some packets of different sweets (... smarties, skittles, dolly mixtures etc are good. One beaver sits with his back to the group and the ot
ch of which is lead by an Assistant Commissioner, one of which is the Organized Crime & Terrorism Group... avoiding collisions without driver intervention. One of the other features of ACAT is that the police ... t they come across and show the police officer anyone of interest.
This live streaming, and the assoc... nd to have rapid investigation cycles.
While no-one really likes the police, the technology has impro
daprav:background:ministries|administration]] is done by clerics and the church employs a large number ... y can use to exchange for goods or services. Everyone carries an ID chit which allows them to access Ch... ation for the night when they are travelling.
As one would expect in a well run economy like that of D... , vagrants and poor people are non-existent. Everyone is well looked after (and in times of dearth the
heir way to the Inn which is the only permanent stone structure in the village, the Church is a large w... couple of them go over to the Church and find no-one there. The three of them that go to the battlefield however find someone there, and they aren't friendly. They get there j... temple and a much older temple constructed from stone. There is also a pen with some animals in it. The
hie clearly knows a lot about boots, more than anyone sane would wish to know. They show him the boor p... course, people at that level would have more than one set of footwear, as they'd be authorised for shoe... e various Ministries.
==== Ministry of Food ====
One pair was issued to a Deacon in their personnel de... for several years.
==== Ministry of Supply ====
One pair was issued and four remain in their stores.
y this is as far as I've got at the moment. If anyone wants a copy of the corel draw file that did this...
==== Buildings & Tunnels ====
There is also this one showing some of the main Nazi-era buildings which... from the Golden Gate (looking towards the Soviet zone) ====
{{:dg:berlin:berlin-potsdamerplatz_1950-00... = Brandenburg Gate ====
This is from the British zone looking towards the Soviet zone.
ink points to google]]. Email addresses like this one: <> are recognized, too.
Do... k points to google]]. Email
addresses like this one: <> are recognized, too.
====... net Explorer per default (and only in the "local zone").
* For Mozilla and Firefox it can be enabled ... or HTML.
The text to image conversion is mainly done for smileys. And the text to HTML conversion is u
the hypothesis that the HEBs and the Roaches are one and the same seems to be confirmed to about 90% p... change in the light of local conditions:
__Phase One__ - First SSXI identified site for FOB.
__Phase ... ys. These will be reported back to the FOB. Phase one reporting should therefore be back with the FOB a... ing were considered advisory objectives.
Priority One FOB Security
Priority Two Data on HEBs
Eurostar terminal. |
|10:00 \\ 22 April | Folkestone | Border Command run biometrics and identify the... 12g]] are alerted and they are detained at Folkestone pending interrogation by CT12G.|
| 14:00 | Bedfo... t is requested for the Schepping residence, and drone surveillance put over both addresses. CT12G mobil... ll serials on duty. |
| 20:00 | East London | Drone operators report six heat signatures at the Chan