ere he commanded B Group (as temp Major) and lead one of the main thrusts into the inner structure. Per... and completed a university degree in zoology.
A one year spell off-world on a peacekeeping/humanitari... ers of the party were also wounded by the raptor, one fatally.
* Gunshot wounds (healed) on right upp
ned a non-aggression pact with the MAFC and later one with the UoX. He launched Operation Panama, an an... on of a Federation between the FWA worlds. He was one of the authors of a draft constitution for the pr
is immediate family the Senator had two brothers (one older and one younger) and two sisters (both older). His elder brother was killed in action while serv
. Played by James.
===== Current Position =====
One of the Lost 130th, Kampf is wanted by the Earth a... he remaining members of the regiment pardoned. As one of the 'Lost 130th' the pardon does not apply to
wo Directing Staff and a squad of NCO candidates. One of the DS and four candidates were taken down by the grenades, two of them dead, including one of the DS.
The Board of Inquiry found that Shar