God [[:daprav:background:Daprav]] looks after his people and ensures that no-one goes hungry and that all ... emale and both or neither, Daprav looks after the people and ensures that all goes according to his grand ... eaucracy which needs an ever increasing number of people to aid it in holding back the barbarian hordes on
clerics and the church employs a large number of people in a variety of roles. There is some private ente... un economy like that of Daprav, vagrants and poor people are non-existent. Everyone is well looked after (... ing the game.
Mage magic is frowned upon and the people would shun anyone that tries to use it. That's as
nd only goes to sub-deacons and above. Of course, people at that level would have more than one set of foo... 5 pairs
They then move on to checking where the people are with the various Ministries.
==== Ministry o
r about ten minutes they manage it. These are the people that went missing from the local area, including ... e patrol decide to return to the village with the people that they have just rescued. This they do and get