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rules:wargames:universe:firing [15 Jun 2007 22:23] – created jamesrules:wargames:universe:firing [21 Jun 2007 16:02] (current) – added some infantry firing rules, not yet complete james
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 +====== Bounce Into Action: Firing ======
 +===== Infantry Firing =====
 +All infantry firing, except Small Arms Air Defence (see below), uses 1d10 per stand firing. Officers (and other individually based figures) provide a positive modifier to a stand they are grouped with rather than an additional dice. If there are sufficient individually based figures in the same place to be the same size as a stand would be then they may fire collectively as if they were one stand. 
 +==== Infantry Firing Modifiers ====
 +^Firer Situation ^Mod ^Target Situation ^Mod |
 +|Moving((Except in HMA)) | -4 | Unarmoured | +3 |
 +|Special Forces | +4 | in MA/HMA/cover | -2 |
 +|Each officer((i.e. an individually based figure, includes specialists)) | +1 | Special Forces | -4 |
 +|Each turn aiming((first turn doesn't count, only for SLA2/3 armed troops)) | +1 | Seasoned/Veterans | -2 |
 +|Veteran | +1 | Officer on own | -8 |
 +|Trained | -1 | Stationary Vehicle | +2 |
 +|Recruits/Civilians | -2 | non-tactical | +1 |
 +==== Weapon Range Bands ====
 +===== Air Defence =====
 +This covers both Air to Air and Surface to Air. Orbital to Air is not allowed except for //very slow// aircraft. 
 +The probability of an aircraft being hit depends on its speed, manoeuvrability and loiter time. The modifier for each of these three is added together to get the basic hit number required. This can then be modified by the pilot ability. 
 +==== Aircraft Speed ====
 +Aircraft have one of three speeds //Fast//, //Slow//, //Very Slow//. Some aircraft types may be capable of more than one speed, if so this should be specified when their posture is chosen. 
 +The relevant hit numbers are: 
 +| ^  Firing from  ^^^^
 +|target ^Surface ^Fast a/c ^Slow ^Very Slow^
 +^Fast |  0  |  4  |  2  |  0  |
 +^Slow |  2  |  2  |  4  |  2  |
 +^Very Slow |  4  |  0  |  2  |  4  |
 +==== Aircraft Manoeuvrability ====
 +Like speed there are three versions of this, //Good//, //Medium// and //Poor//
 +The relevant hit numbers are: 
 +| ^  Firing from  ^^^^
 +|target ^Surface ^Good ^Medium ^Poor^
 +^Good |  1  |  2  |  1  |  0  |
 +^Medium |  2  |  4  |  2  |  1  |
 +^Poor |  4  |  8  |  4  |  2  |
 +==== Loiter Time ====
 +The longer an aircraft spends in a danger zone the more likely it is to get shot down. Aircraft fall into two groups, those that can loiter in the target zone and those that need to make several passes. Fast aircraft always make passes rather than loiter. 
 +Fast aircraft on their first pass get -2 to being hit by air defence. On any subsequent passes there is no modifier to the hit probability. This represents the AD systems having a longer range than the missiles usually and aircraft will normally stay within range of the sensors while they are turning for subsequent passes. The short time spent in the defended area counter-acts this partially. 
 +Those aircraft that can loiter get +1 to the hit probability for each turn that they remain in the Air Defence umbrella. This also applies to any fast aircraft that are dogfighting outside the ground force area. 
 +==== Resolution ====
 +Once the hit number is worked out roll the hit number or less on the dice to hit the aircraft. If the dice roll is less than a quarter of the hit number then the aircraft is immediately shot down, otherwise it is damaged. 
 +^ AD System ^ Range ^ Dice ^ Notes ^
 +| Heavy SAM | 50 Km | 1d6 | always hits on a 1 |
 +| Vehicle SAM / Air to Air Missile | 20 Km | 1d10 | Misses if hit number below min roll |
 +| ManPAD | 10 Km | 2d6 | Misses if hit number below min roll |
 +| Multi-Cannon | 2 Km | 2d6  | Misses if hit number below min roll |
 +| SLA 3 | 2 Km | 2d10  | Misses if hit number below min roll |
 +| SLA 2 | 2 Km | 1d100 | Can only damage aircraft |
 +| Small Arms | 300 m | 1d100 | Cannot damage Pacifiers, only damage to others |
 +Where there are multiple air units on '//Air Defence//' then the order of firing is by manoeuvrability, then pilot ability, speed, or highest die roll if all factors are identical. 
 +===== Air to Ground Attack =====
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