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skyss:characters [25 Nov 2016 11:36] – corrected links to make them absolute jamesskyss:characters [31 Mar 2024 21:06] (current) – [People on Straven] james
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 ====== Characters ====== ====== Characters ======
-This is a list of some of the characters that I have created to include in Noren the Strong+This is a list of some of the characters that I have created to include in Yngvild & Noren. 
 +===== Primary Characters =====
   * [[:skyss:chars:yngvild]] - the (unreliable) narrator of the story   * [[:skyss:chars:yngvild]] - the (unreliable) narrator of the story
   * [[:skyss:chars:noren]] - the title character   * [[:skyss:chars:noren]] - the title character
   * [[:skyss:chars:old_bjorn]] - the mentor & leader of the fishing village of [[:skyss:places:straven]]   * [[:skyss:chars:old_bjorn]] - the mentor & leader of the fishing village of [[:skyss:places:straven]]
   * [[:skyss:chars:lady_helga]] - Yngvild's mother & Second Sea Lord.    * [[:skyss:chars:lady_helga]] - Yngvild's mother & Second Sea Lord. 
 +===== People on Straven =====
 +I haven't named every one of the people on [[:skyss:places:straven]], but some of the more notable ones are:
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Arne|Arne the Slow]] - the steersman on the boat, de facto second in command to [[:skyss:chars:old_bjorn]]
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Alwilda]] - Arne's partner
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:olaf]] - one of the boat crew
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:helga-red|Helga the Red]] - Old Bjorn's partner
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Leif]] - another member of the boat crew
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Birgitta]] - member of the boat crew
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Gunnar]] - also on the boat crew
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Erik-dark|Erik the Dark]] - member of the boat crew
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Freya]]
 +===== Other People =====
 +==== Ship crews ====
 +=== King's Ship Seagull ===
   * [[:skyss:chars:captain_olaf]] - Captain of the King's Ship //Seagull//   * [[:skyss:chars:captain_olaf]] - Captain of the King's Ship //Seagull//
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:lt_snorri]] - Officer on the //Seagull// and interested in [[:skyss:chars:yngvild]]
 +=== Chantara ===
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:bo_thu_mayat]] - Captain of the Mangandalese ship //Chantara//
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Maung_Yaza_Lin]] - translator for the //Chantara//
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:arald]] - A mysterious man from the South that came to [[:skyss:places:straven]] to ask questions aboard the //Chantara//.
 +==== in Kronstadt ====
 +[[:skyss:places:Kronstadt]] is the de facto capital of Skyss. 
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Linhildr]] - servant of [[:skyss:chars:lady_helga]] who looks after [[:skyss:chars:yngvild]] while she is in Kronstadt. 
 +  * [[:skyss:chars:Radulfr]] - not met, but he's a Hero involved in the government of Skyss. 
 +==== Elsewhere ====
   * [[:skyss:chars:alfarinn]] - Noren's elusive mother   * [[:skyss:chars:alfarinn]] - Noren's elusive mother
   * [[:skyss:chars:alfinna]] - a sister of Noren, who acts as Alfarinn's mouthpiece   * [[:skyss:chars:alfinna]] - a sister of Noren, who acts as Alfarinn's mouthpiece
   * [[:skyss:chars:oddmundr]] - Yngvild's father, the previous wielder of [[:skyss:other:jafnadr]]   * [[:skyss:chars:oddmundr]] - Yngvild's father, the previous wielder of [[:skyss:other:jafnadr]]
   * [[:skyss:chars:rojden]] - Noren's thoroughly disreputable father   * [[:skyss:chars:rojden]] - Noren's thoroughly disreputable father
-  * [[:skyss:chars:arald]] - A mysterious man from the South that came to [[:skyss:places:straven]] to ask questions+  * [[:Skyss:chars:major_duerte]] - Cottalem Horse Guards officer, assigned to escort Yngvild.  
 +Full list of Characters with a page 
 ^  [[:skyss:welcome]]  ^  [[:skyss:characters]]  ^  [[:skyss:places]]  ^  [[:skyss:other]]  ^ ^  [[:skyss:welcome]]  ^  [[:skyss:characters]]  ^  [[:skyss:places]]  ^  [[:skyss:other]]  ^
-{{tag>skyss_chars noren skyss}}+{{tag>skyss fantasy world-building}}
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