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skyss:pantheon:malfin [ 4 Oct 2018 20:26] – created jamesskyss:pantheon:malfin [ 1 Apr 2024 10:27] (current) – [Appearance] james
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 ====== Malfin - Goddess of the Darkness ====== ====== Malfin - Goddess of the Darkness ======
-Malfin is known as the Goddess of the Darkness, which to the Skyssians isn't a bad thing. They live in an arctic environment, half their year is spent in the darkness. So they've come to embrace it. +{{ :skyss:pantheon:rune_malfin.png?100|Malfin's rune symbol}}Malfin is known as the Goddess of the Darkness, which to the Skyssians isn't a bad thing. They live in an arctic environment, half their year is spent in the darkness. So they've come to embrace it. She is the twin sister of [[:skyss:pantheon:aeolf]] and often each of their festivals acknowledges the other.  
 +===== Appearance ===== 
 +Like all the gods Mallfin can change her appearance. She often appears as a dark skinned woman with long, raven black hair and fully black eyes. Her clothes are usually a dark indigo colour, like the sky at midnight, or black.  
 +===== Festivals ===== 
 +Malfin's main festival is the winter soltice, when the nights are longest (and in many of the more northern parts of Skyss there is no daylight in this period). There is a secondary festival in late summer when the darkness returns to the northern parts of Skyss known as 'First Night'. Malfin's festivals involve animal sacrifice, blessings for her twin [[:skyss:pantheon:aeolf]] and feasting on the meat cooked on the sacred fire. Usually the feasting is done outdoors, away from the fire. Special dark ales are usually brewed for both festivals using roasted barley to give it a much darker colour than usual
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