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universe:bailey [ 5 Feb 2013 23:55] – created jamesuniverse:bailey [ 6 Feb 2013 08:36] (current) – [Recommendations] cornelius
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 |All records relating to SAID production to be erased |<html><font color=green>Complete</font></html> | |All records relating to SAID production to be erased |<html><font color=green>Complete</font></html> |
 |A multi-power committee to be formed to oversee the clean-up process headed by the Chair of the Q5 GFA Senate |<html><font color=orange>In Progress</font></html> | |A multi-power committee to be formed to oversee the clean-up process headed by the Chair of the Q5 GFA Senate |<html><font color=orange>In Progress</font></html> |
-|All assetts gained by Governor Potato and others as a result of the activity of SAID to be seized for investigation funding |<html><font color=orange>In Progress</font></html> |+|All assets gained by Governor Potato and others as a result of the activity of SAID to be seized for investigation funding |<html><font color=orange>In Progress</font></html> |
 |Searches on all vessels leaving the Over system for SAID, Johannes Schmidt and others for 400 days. |<html><font color=orange>In Progress</font></html> | |Searches on all vessels leaving the Over system for SAID, Johannes Schmidt and others for 400 days. |<html><font color=orange>In Progress</font></html> |
 |Cases should be passed to the local criminal courts for the following personnel: | <html><font color=orange>In Progress</font></html> | |Cases should be passed to the local criminal courts for the following personnel: | <html><font color=orange>In Progress</font></html> |
QR Code
QR Code Report into Allegations that a Sentient Artificial Intelligence Device (SAID) was developed by the Greater Asteel Federation Colonial Government based at Over in Quadrant Five. (generated for current page)