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universe:earth:govt:mil:doctrine:spacebattles [27 Mar 2010 12:12] – created jamesuniverse:earth:govt:mil:doctrine:spacebattles [30 Mar 2010 06:52] (current) – added link to excel version of intercept calculator james
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 ===== Intercepting the Enemy ===== ===== Intercepting the Enemy =====
-The {{:universe:earth:govt:mil:doctrine:interception.ods|intercept calculator}} will help you optimise your intercept of the enemy force; +The {{:universe:earth:govt:mil:doctrine:interception.ods|intercept calculator}} [{{:universe:earth:govt:mil:doctrine:interception.xls|excel version}}] will help you optimise your intercept of the enemy force; 
   * if they are unwilling to fight it is still possible to get an intercept but you may not be able to keep them in battle range for long if there is a significant difference in acceleration ability.   * if they are unwilling to fight it is still possible to get an intercept but you may not be able to keep them in battle range for long if there is a significant difference in acceleration ability.
   * coming in fast on a tail chase when the enemy are accelerating out of the system will usually facilitate a silent running approach, thus making it harder for them to detect you and avoid;   * coming in fast on a tail chase when the enemy are accelerating out of the system will usually facilitate a silent running approach, thus making it harder for them to detect you and avoid;
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   * remember that the one shot pacifiers can be recycled through the carriers, but take care not to lose carrier flights because you've filled up the carrier with the OSPs;   * remember that the one shot pacifiers can be recycled through the carriers, but take care not to lose carrier flights because you've filled up the carrier with the OSPs;
 +{{tag>universe IEN navy battle doctrine}}
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