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universe:havana:eat_vacuum_red_eyed_freaks [18 Nov 2007 10:58] – added havana tag and expanded story omihuniverse:havana:eat_vacuum_red_eyed_freaks [18 Nov 2007 11:00] (current) omih
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 ===== Martian Interference ===== ===== Martian Interference =====
 Fortunately someone managed to persuade him that this might be just a tad inflammatory, although perhaps completely called for. In a private letter to the First Citizen it appears that Senator Hands confessed and apologised for the actions of his government, which he was personally involved in when in power. This apology was gracefully accepted.  Fortunately someone managed to persuade him that this might be just a tad inflammatory, although perhaps completely called for. In a private letter to the First Citizen it appears that Senator Hands confessed and apologised for the actions of his government, which he was personally involved in when in power. This apology was gracefully accepted. 
 +No doubt there will be a gratuitous tit for tat expulsion of Earther diplomats. Don't book New Mars for your holiday...
 {{tag>havana opinion T72 MAFC spy}} {{tag>havana opinion T72 MAFC spy}}
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