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universe:sector_scouting [ 6 Aug 2012 09:12] – [Remaining Marches] corneliusuniverse:sector_scouting [ 1 Feb 2015 12:22] (current) – [Scouting the outlying sectors] cornelius
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 ======Scouting the outlying sectors====== ======Scouting the outlying sectors======
-===== Eastern Marches===== 
-During the Exterminator War, Humanity agreed to start a program of scouting the "eastern" sectors; DF, DJ, EF, EG, EH, EI and EJDetails of these efforts can be found at Martyn Pott's [[http://www.gamma-leporis.org/Mainframe.htm|IISS]] page (the NSC, ESC and SSC links).+The following is the current state of scouting (3216.300) - assume logs GREEN unless otherwise stated (it is assumed that cargo vessels such as a C5S can self-support for some time):
-===== Remaining Marches===== +  * AF - __MSN (ST3)__: 2C5A-S, 1SCI, 1C5 (Logs)  __IEN (AF Scouts)__: 5C5-S (logs self-support) 
-At the inter-polity summit at NEW MARS in 3211it was agreed that this program be extended to all adjacent sectors as it was appreciated that an enemy could come from any direction.  +  * AG __MSN (ST1,ST2,ST4)__: 6C5A-S, 3SCI, 3C5 (Logs) 
 +  * AH - __RNV (TFS5+6)__: 6SCI, 2C5-S (logs part-time) __GFA (15th Scout Fleet)__: 12C1-S, 1LSSI (logs) 
 +  * AI - __RNV (TFS7+8)__: 6SCI, 2C5-S (logs part-time), __RWN__: 3DDI 
 +  * AJ - __MSN (ST8__): 2C5A-S, 1SCI, 1C5 (Logs) __IEN (AJ Scouts)__: 5C5-S (logs self-support) 
 +  * BF - __IEN (BF Scouts)__: 5C5-S (logs self-support) 
 +  * BJ - __IEN (BJ Scouts)__: 4C5-S (logs self-support) __FWAN__: 8C1AS, 1CLI, C5 (logs) 
 +  * CF - __IEN (CF Scouts)__: 5C5-S (logs self-support) __RWN/UXN __: 1CVXI (logs self-support) 
 +  * CJ - __MSN (ST10)__: 2C5A-S, 1SCI, 1C5 (Logs) __UXN (18th Watch(I))__: 1DDI, 2SCI, 1AMI (logs POOR) __LONAW__: 1AMI, 2C5A (logs self-support) 
 +  * DF - __RNV (TFS2)__: 3SCI, 1C5-S (logs POOR)  __UXN (Issachar Scouts)__: 3SCI, 1AMI (logs POOR) 
 +  * DJ - __UXN (Issachar Scouts)__: 6SCI, 2AMI (logs POOR) 
 +  * EF - __GFA__: 8th Scout Fleet 12C1-S, 1LSSI (logs) 
 +  * EG - __GFA__: 7th Scout Fleet 12C1-S, 1LSSI (logs) __MPS (Scout Fleet 6)__: 6DDI, SSI, 2LSSI (logs GREEN) 
 +  * EH - __GFA__: 6th Scout Fleet 12C1-S, 1LSSI (logs) __RNV (TFS1)__: 3SCI, 1C5-S (logs POOR) 
 +  * EI - __GFA__: 5th Scout Fleet 12C1-S, 1LSSI (logs) __NRN__: 1CLI, 1DDI, 1AMI (logs POOR) 
 +  * EJ - __GFA__: 4th Scout Fleet 12C1-S, 1LSSI (logs) __RNV (TFS3)__: 3SCI, 1C5-S (logs POOR)
-The following is the current state of scouting:+Each sector requires at least 8 scouting vessels to visit all inhabitable systems once every 4 octants.   This permits the detection of a significant base (JIM0000 "Pretty much any ship will detect an Exterminator construction base because it is big and doing hi-visibility things like strip-mining resources").  For smaller objects, the spotting rules in the rulebook are relevant.  These vessels require Logs support if they are to maintain their patrols indefinitely.
-  * AF - __MSN (ST3)__: 2 x C5A-S1 x SCI1 x C5 (Logs)   __IEN  __: 5 x C5-S  +===== History===== 
-  * AG - __MSN (ST1,ST2)__: 4 x C5A-S2 x SCI2 x C5 (Logs)     **''DEFICIENT 2 VESSELS''** +During the Exterminator WarHumanity agreed to start a program of scouting the "eastern" sectors; DFDJEFEGEHEI and EJ. Details of these effortsAT A POINT IN THE PASTcan be found at Martyn Pott's [[http://www.gamma-leporis.org/Mainframe.htm|IISS]] page (the NSC, ESC and SSC links)
-  * AH - __RNV__: 3 x SCI5 x C5-S1 x LSSI  __GFA__: 12 x C1-S1 x LSSI  **''SURPLUS 12 Vessels''** +At the inter-polity summit at NEW MARS in 3211it was agreed that this program be extended to all adjacent sectors as it was appreciated that an enemy could come from any direction.  
-  * AI - __RNV__8 x C5-S  +
-  * AJ - __IEN__: 5 x C5-S **''DEFICIENT 3 VESSELS''** +
-  * BF - __IEN__: 5 x C5-S **''DEFICIENT 3 VESSELS''** +
-  * BJ - __FWAN__: 8C1AS  __IEN__: 4 x C5-S **''SURPLUS 4 Vessels''** +
-  * CF - __IEN__: 5 x C5-S **''DEFICIENT 3 VESSELS''** +
-  * CJ - __MSN (ST10)__: 2 x C5A-S1 x SCI, 1 x C5 (Logs) __UXN__: 3 x DDI, 1 x AMI  __LONAW__: 1 x AMI, 2 x C5A+
-Each sector requires around 8 scouting vessels to detect a significant base (JIM0000 "Pretty much any ship will detect an Exterminator construction base because it is big and doing hi-visibility things like strip-mining resources.").  For smaller objects, the spotting rules in the rulebook are relevant.+{{tag>universe scouting HWP outersectors}}
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