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universe [15 Jun 2007 17:23] jamesuniverse [23 Dec 2014 03:54] (current) – [Humanity Will Prevail] cornelius
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 These items relate directly to the ongoing e-mail campaign.  These items relate directly to the ongoing e-mail campaign. 
   * [[:universe:earth:welcome]] - pages on the Earth Government and its recent activities   * [[:universe:earth:welcome]] - pages on the Earth Government and its recent activities
-  * [[:universe:boldlygo|Operation Boldly Go]] +  * [[:universe:7wda]] 
- +  * [[:universe:boldlygo|Operation Boldly Go]] and follow-up missions 
- +  * [[:universe:hebmission|Missions to the Hostile Exterminator Builder space]] 
 +  * [[:universe:Sector Scouting]] - the current status of Humanity's watch on adjacent sectors of the galaxy. 
 +  * [[:universe:Logistics support for operations in Sector EJ]] - the logistics train in place from NEW DRACONIS to Sector EJ. 
 +  * [[:universe:Forces at MYSTERY, Q0]] - the forces around the MYSTERY system in Q0, major Forerunner site 
 +  * [[:universe:people:welcome]] - an attempt to list all the player characters and NPCs and what I know about them. 
 ===== General Universe Background ===== ===== General Universe Background =====
 Miscellaneous bits here to do with [[http://www.theuniverse.org.uk/|the Universe]] include: Miscellaneous bits here to do with [[http://www.theuniverse.org.uk/|the Universe]] include:
-  * [[:universe:7wda|Seven Worlds Defensive Alliance]]+  * [[:universe:7wda]]
     * [[:universe:7wda:killiekrankie|Killiekrankie background]]     * [[:universe:7wda:killiekrankie|Killiekrankie background]]
   * [[:universe:economics:megadon|Notes on Megadon Ranching]]   * [[:universe:economics:megadon|Notes on Megadon Ranching]]
 +  * [[:universe:iff:welcome|Forerunners]]
   * [[:rules:wargames:universe]] wargame rules for company level actions sitting between 'Starship Soldier'((skirmish rules for infantry battles)) and 'Plan A'((full blown combat with battalion plus units including air assets and armoured vehicles))   * [[:rules:wargames:universe]] wargame rules for company level actions sitting between 'Starship Soldier'((skirmish rules for infantry battles)) and 'Plan A'((full blown combat with battalion plus units including air assets and armoured vehicles))
 +  * [[http://www.full-moon.info/pirates/crew.php|Space Pirate random crew generator]] giving you a names crew with homeworld, skill level, criminal record and crew function. 
 ===== Interstellar Freelance Unlimited ===== ===== Interstellar Freelance Unlimited =====
   * [[:universe:ifu]]   * [[:universe:ifu]]
 +===== Mailing Lists =====
 +There are several mailing lists used to support the play by e-mail games mentioned above. These are run using mailman and so have a web interface for managing your subscription as well as publicly accessible web archives. These are the publicly accessible mailing lsits, there are some others but those are by invitation only. 
 +  * //**berswar**// - the 'official' list for [[http://www.theuniverse.org.uk/campaigns/hwp/|Humanity Will Prevail]] where posts should all be in character. You can use these links to the [[http://lists.somebody.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/berswar|berswar list interface]] and the [[http://lists.somebody.org.uk/pipermail/berswar/|berswar mail archives]] to subscribe to the mailer or read its posts.
 +  * //**OOC**// - An Out of Character (OOC) list for the players in the [[http://www.theuniverse.org.uk/campaigns/hwp/|Humanity Will Prevail]] game where all the admin messages and general chatter goes. Mostly this is all game related but out of character rather than wildly off topic. [[http://lists.somebody.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/ooc|OOC list interface]] and [[http://lists.somebody.org.uk/pipermail/ooc/|OOC mail archives]] 
 +  * **//SM//** (Starship Marine) - a list for those of us that play universe related roleplaying games on or around the full moon each month in the South London area. Currently we are playing in the [[:universe:ifu]] campaign. Some of this is played by e-mail through this list and other parts are done face to face with whoever can make the sessions. [[http://lists.somebody.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/games|SM list interface]] and [[http://lists.somebody.org.uk/pipermail/games/|SM mail archives]] 
 Other material may well feature on occasion.  Other material may well feature on occasion. 
 ^   //this page is a game resource for [[http://www.theuniverse.org.uk/|Jim Wallman's Humanity Will Prevail]] play by  e-mail game.// \\    //None of the material on this domain is canon unless Jim says so.//    ^   //this page is a game resource for [[http://www.theuniverse.org.uk/|Jim Wallman's Humanity Will Prevail]] play by  e-mail game.// \\    //None of the material on this domain is canon unless Jim says so.//   
 +{{tag>Universe background}}
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