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welcome [10 Apr 2007 11:56] jameswelcome [12 Aug 2018 10:11] (current) – added a few other links for locations james
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 +====== Welcome to James Kemp's Wiki ======
 +This is a collaborative web platform that allows people to edit((but only if they are logged in, registration is temporarily disabled due to excessive spam. Contact the webmaster if you would like to edit these pages explaining your interest.)) the web pages to provide additional content for some of the stories I have written and the roleplaying games that I am involved in, whether as a player or GM. 
 +There are several namespaces operating slightly different wiki subjects. These are, in no particular order:
 +  * [[:skyss:welcome]] - a fantasy novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo 2016. 
 +  * [[:perfects:welcome]] - background for the near future story and some police roleplaying that I ran in that universe
 +  * [[:daprav:welcome]] - A D&D campaign that I ran with Glasgow University Games Society around 2002-3. 
 +  * [[:universe|Jim Wallman's Universe]] - a roleplaying by e-mail campaign that I play in, this is an unofficial wiki and none of it is canon unless Jim says it is. 
 +    * [[:universe:IFU|Interstellar Freelance Unlimited]] - subset of the [[:universe|Universe]] pages covering the activities of a mercenary company that we are currently roleplaying every Full Moon. 
 +    * [[:universe:earth:welcome|Earth Imperium]] pages. These cover the activities of the Government of the Solar republic (aka Earth Empire) in Jim's Humanity Will Prevail campaign, including the [[:universe:earth:current]].
 +    * [[:universe:7wda]] - covering the activities of another emerging polity in the //Humanity Will Prevail// campaign. Mostly contributed by Eric Moroney. 
 +    * [[:universe:background:welcome|Universe Background]] - page collecting the various bits of background info that have come up in various e-mail discussions for the campaigns set in Jim Wallman's Universe. 
 +      * {{:universe:background:master_map_of_the_universe_3212.pdf|Master map of the Universe}} (6Mb PDF, as at 3212).
 +  * [[:dg|Delta Green]] - some roleplaying campaigns about horror and conspiracy. The main one was set in [[:dg:berlin|Berlin]] in 1953. 
 +  * [[:megagames:ad69]]
 +  * [[:rules|Free games rules]] - a collection of free rules for wargames and other sorts of face to face games that I have designed or run. 
 +    * [[:rules|Wargames rules]] - I'm not just a player of games, I also do rules for them from time to time as well as one-off games. A primary outlet for this is through [[:rules:clwg|Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group]]. 
 +    * [[:rules:clwg|Other free rules]] - at the moment just those for the [[:rules:clwg:1689]] ([[:rules:clwg:1689:convention|Orange or Lemon?]] and [[:rules:clwg:1689:battles|Bonnie Dundee]], respectively about the debates in the Scots Parliament and then the military campaign of Viscount Dundee during 1689) and [[:rules:clwg:coin]] (about what makes people become insurgents).  All games that I have have produced for [[:rules:clwg|Chestnut Lodge Wargames Group]].  
 +  * [[:perfects:welcome|Background for a near future universe]] where I have written some fiction and also run some roleplaying games in. 
 +Comments and complaints to me at webmaster@full-moon.info please.
 +James Kemp
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