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Alasdair V, King of Dael Riata
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ibhne, a neutral ground. The rules of hospitality were in force, and the [[:skyss:chars:daels:suibhne|Ea... left the two parties to negotiate. Raised voices were heard, and the clash of steel. When the Earl of D... y protective of his elder cousin, and claims that were it not for his regency then the kingdom wouldn't ... us]] or [[:skyss:chars:daels:alpin]] because both were allied with Murchadh during the civil wars that f
The Murchadhs
2 Hits, Last modified:
ibhne, a neutral ground. The rules of hospitality were in force, and the Earl of Douglas was their host.... left the two parties to negotiate. Raised voices were heard, and the clash of steel. When the Earl of D
The Nobles of Dael Riata
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rt or below a stag's head proper a tower triple towered celestial azure shown smaller | vert bend sangu... a seagull argent volant in chief a tower triple towered celestial azure in base point | Maily tenne and
Iain Alpin @skyss:chars:daels:alpin
2 Hits, Last modified:
osed the Queen he took up arms against him. There were several battles in the civil war, and Iain Alpin ... take turns entertaining her with the dances that were popular at court, and playing instruments to ensu
The Alpins
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ng born. At the time many feared that the Alpin's were cursed, the Earl's father and his four elder brot
Bhaltair Gilranald
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the other island Earls. When the Earls of Uisdean were disestablished on Norpen many of the more skilled
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