Earth News

T74 - Foreign Office - Bright Future for Independent Colonies

The Foreign Ministry is asking for volunteers to lead a new Imperial colonisation effort aimed at putting the brightest and best at the forefront of new colonies.

Square pegs for Square holes

The FM and later the Bureau of Relocation (BuReloc) will be looking for square pegs to fill square holes in existing independent colonies. The FM is not necessarily looking for numbers but for suitable high quality individuals who can not only “make a difference” to a new colony, but also to help its government develop building on the lessons learnt in other colonies. These volunteers will receive extra special treatment, special direct flights (in the case of at least two Quadrants), and will retain beneficial contacts with the nearest Consular offices to ensure that the colonies are successful.

Specific additional efforts will be exercised in Q3 and Q8 with 6 x C5A dedicated in each Quadrant to assisting the moves of the special volunteers. In Q3 the C5A will provide support to colonists supporting improvements in Akdor and Jakobs. In Q8 the C5A will support to colonists supporting improvements in Iron Mike and Spike. All four BA worlds will be receiving maximum level investment (16 SV each) from Earth and the focus of intense diplomatic efforts.


20 Oct 2007 21:14

T74 - President Potato visits Earth

dateline: 3208.255

President Potato of the Greater Federation of Asteel was today met by the First Minister in Earth Orbit. The president arrived in his star yacht escorted by the gold plated vessels of the Imperial Guard Squadron.

Flying First Minister

The First Minister himself flew one of the pacifiers in the Squadron that met President Potato's yacht just as it docked. He said on landing that it reminded him of his youthful days flying Pacifiers in the Imperial Flight.

There is a full itinerary of visits to Earth for President Potato including discussions over the Amoss Crisis, renewal of the Treaty of Old London and the Strategic Starship Arms Limitation Treaties. The President is also expected to meet with the First Citizen at a barbecue before beginning a tour of the Solar system.


3208.255 - arrive in Earth orbit met by First Minister having been escorted in by the gold battleships in the Imperial Squadron

3208.256/7 - Discussions between FM & POGFA. Based in FM reservation in West Africa (a private residence in the nature reserve park). POGFA to be enrolled as a Chief in the Asante nation and given a ceremonial stool.

3208.258 - Sightseeing on Earth

3208.259 - Visit to Havana for more discussions and local sightseeing.

3208.260 - President Potato's tour of the Solar System to start, accompanied by FM to Old Mars.


T73 Q0 IEN Official Communiqué - Further Action at Amoss Q6

The IEN attempted to prevent an SSRN landing but were prevented from doing so by the intervention on the side of the SSRN by the RNVN. Orders for a Board of Inquiry into the lack of offensive spirit by the IEN Admirals present have been issued.

Sitrep as at 3208.218

A number of communications have been received from Amoss and Q6. A summary of the situation and recent events as at 3208.218 was as follows:

On 3208.184 the Sirian 10th Fleet arrived at Amoss M25 and immediately burned for the colony world.

This caused a flurry of activity as the existing stand-off between the IEN 22nd Battle Fleet and the Venerian/SSR 'peacekeeping force' appeared likely to be broken. Much diplomatic traffic ensued as the Sirian fleet burnt towards the colony world with the incoming Sirians insisting that they are there to keep the peace and the Amossian Government and Earth forces becoming increasingly concerned.

On arrival in orbital space (3208.195) the SSR 10th fleet immediately initiated assault landings on the main continent. Earth forces attempted to intervene, but the presence of Venerian warships in company with the SSR fleet, ostensibly to 'keep the peace' required caution on the part of our commanders.

The balance of main combat forces in Amossian orbital space at this point were:

  • SSR/RNV Forces: 3 battleships, 8 carriers and 2 Heavy Cruisers
  • Earther 22BF / 6CF: 3 Battleships, 5 carriers and 4 heavy cruisers

The Earth command on the spot had been ordered to oppose the SSR - especially any attempted landings but not to start a war with the RNV. Nevertheless the Earth forces attempt to interfere with the assault landings and pacifier dogfights ensued, even though the IEN was at an 8:5 disadvantage, and the fleet withdrew without engaging with main batteries. Pacifier losses on both sides were significant.

The Sirian assault landings were largely successful and there was heavy fighting on the planet between two attacking SSR GF Divisions and an outnumbered but determined defending force of Amossian troops, who were reasonably equipped but under-trained. The ground fighting was prolonged and quite bloody. IEN ships in orbit could not effectively intervene as to do so would make them vulnerable to space attack.

When 21 BF (under Admiral Philips - 2 BBI, 4 CVI, 2 CAI) arrived it burnt to the colony world to join the other IEN forces. They immediately attempted to clear the Sirian forces from Amoss orbit so that they could no longer support their ground troops.

IEN forces now have unquestioned orbital superiority and both the Venerian and SSR forces withdrew without a fight to the M25 taking the bulk of their ground troops with them (they had time to do this while the incoming fleet was burning from the M25) - leaving a lot of hardware in the hands of SSR-loyalists planetside to continue the civil war - which is now raging somewhat.

The Von Strucker government has asked for Earther GF forces to help with pacification.


8 Oct 2007 17:30

T66 Q0 IEN Official Communiqué - Action at Amoss Q6

We had considerable and verifiable reports of a legitimate secessionist move of the elected and popular Government of Amoss. Accordingly normal political channels were used to contact the Sirian Colonial Government. There was a clear humanitarian crisis on Amoss, and as a precautionary measure we moved elements of the Colonial Fleet into the area. Reports from the INN of CHF forces being used were inaccurate.

SSR Refusal of Secession

In the face of the local SSR regime refusing to accept the local people's determination to peacefully secede from the SSR the local Earth Governor agreed that humanitarian assistance could be delivered by volunteers who wished to come to the assistance of the local democratically elected government of Amoss.

With the heightened tensions it was deemed appropriate by local commanders that the aid convoy be escorted. In addition, Earth merchants were being increasingly harassed by Sirian Naval forces, such that legitimate Earth trade interests were threatened.

Negotiations with the legitimate Government of Amoss resulted in an agreement to support the return of expatriate individuals and certain economic aid for the elected government of the colony. The Colonial fleet arrived to secure the aid, and protect legitimate

In orbital space around the colony local commanders were unable to achieve a peaceful settlement, and Sirian Naval forces opened fire on IEN units - though technically overmatched.

The Sirian commander insisted that all vessels be surrendered to the SSR Government for impounding pending investigation into the situation and the requisite bureaucracy being completed to issue entry permits to the system. When this was quite properly refused by the IEN commander who explained that there was an urgent need to deliver humanitarian assistance to the people of Amoss the Sirian commander broke off communications.

Approximately twenty minutes later, long enough for a signal exchange between the ship positions and the orbital on Amoss, the Sirians resumed contact. They insisted that the IEN vessels depart immediately for the M25 and that the civilian vessels be surrendered. Failing to do so was to be seen as a hostile act.

In response the IEN commander requested that the SSR Captain surrender immediately as the SSR force was clearly over-matched.

The SSR response was to open fire. The battle was short but decisive. The Sirian Navy retired from the system after taking a number of hits on their battleship and losing 8 pacifiers shot down.

IEN losses were minimal and the primary mission was successful. The fleet is currently supporting local Amoss Government forces against a Sirian GF Division. We have neutralised the GF Division's orbital assets and control Amoss Station, so the fighting is unlikely to last much longer.

This is very much a local situation where our local governor has felt duty bound to support a local democratic movement in asserting the right of all people to self determination in the face of colonial oppression.

The space battle was a case of self defence by the IEN while escorting humanitarian volunteers into Amoss in an attempt to ensure that mass loss of human life was avoided. No part of the CHF was involved.

We expect Amoss to become fully independent now.

– Sir George Tryon, KOBE Admiral of the White


25 Aug 2007 15:55

MAFC Diplomats expelled for Spying on First Minister

The MAFC Ambassador was called in to the Foreign Office yesterday and told that the diplomatic immunity of him and all his staff had been revoked because the MAFC had been conducting espionage aimed directly at the previous First Minister.

Unacceptable Behaviour

The Imperium views interference in its domestic politics as totally unacceptable behaviour. Agents of the MAFC infiltrated the household of the former First Minister Senator Lee Zhang and subsequently used this to engineer his downfall when it became apparent that Lee Zhang was not corruptible.

If the MAFC apologises for its actions and promises not to conduct espionage against members of the Senate or Government of the Solar Republic then the First Citizen will be pleased to accept an Ambassador from the Association again.


23 Aug 2007 09:11
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