Earth News

First Minister Ashanti Leading with Honour

Senator Danso Tupac Ashanti, LoH was today asked to form a government by the First Citizen.

New First Minister

First Minister Ashanti announced that he had accepted the great honour of becoming First Minister and that it was his firm intention to form as inclusive a government as possible. His first appointment was of Senator Sebastian Rathbone, the First Citizen's youngest son, as his Foreign Minister.

In his acceptance speech First Minister Ashanti said: “The Empire expects hard service from all its children, and it expects most to those whom most has been given. It is up to those of us in the Senate to provide leadership to all of humanity and to help unite it to present a single face of humanity to the universe.”


28 Jul 2007 09:16

Zhang Scandal Shocks Senate

~~DISCUSSION~~ As one of the first speakers in an emergency Senate debate on 3208.002 Senator Danso Tupac Ashanti said: “The allegations against Senator Lee Zhang are of the most serious nature and if proved are totally unacceptable. If we cannot trust those in the highest positions of power then we are doomed to repeat the mistakes that the republic has made in the past.

Unity not Strife

Now is a time for strong leadership rather than inter-necine strife. Earth is the home of humanity and we are the leaders of humanity. We need to rally around and choose one of our number that will provide strong purpose and direction for us all. There are numerous threats out their to the very existence of Earth and it is up to us to ensure that they are all effectively and promptly dealt with.

Lee Zhang's record in office is not all bad, although it remains to be seen whether history shall remember him as a traitor of the worst sort, or as a reformer of the economy who brought economic prosperity. We need to maintain economic prosperity while ensuring our own security and safety from all those who would do us harm.”

New Constructions to 3208.049

~~DISCUSSION~~ The IEN will shortly be commissioning several new ships that have recently completed construction.

The following vessels will be commissioned before 3208.049

  • ESS Adventurer (SCI) built by SY Solent (Sol L4)
  • ESS National Enquirer (SCI) built by SY Solent (Sol L4)
  • ESS Deucalion (SCI) built by CSY Alpha (Sol S4)
  • ESS Pyrrha (SCI) built by CSY Alpha (Sol S4)
  • ESS Enkidu (SSI) built by UOX

ESS Adventurer and National Enquirer will be transferred to Q6, Deucalion and Pyrrha to Q7 to replace C5A currently in the colonial fleets. On arrival of the remaining SCIs being built to replace the current vessels in the QDF scout fleets those C5As currently deployed there will return to the Star Guard. The transition is expected to be complete before the end of 3208 (in T73).

Keels were laid down for two new semi-automatic battleships at SY Solent and two at CSY Alpha (Sol S4) in addition to the two recently started at UOX shipyards under contract for the IEN. These vessels are expected to be commissioned for operational training at Sol by 3210.049.

New Year at Home for the 22nd!

~~DISCUSSION~~ The 22nd Battle Fleet arrived at the Sol M25 on 3207.386 and made it into orbit around Earth on 3207.396 in time for 15 days of well deserved shore leave in time for the customary new year celebrations. This is their first shore leave since deploying to Wing in a peace keeping capacity over a year ago.

13 Jul 2007 22:10

Grand Admiral to Retire

~~DISCUSSION~~ Grand Admiral Ibn Battuta announced that he was stepping down as the Commander in Chief of the IEN. He will be replaced by the current First Space Lord. The Second Space Lord will also retire at the same time as the Grand Admiral and Admiral Sir George Tryon, IEN, currently Director INI will become the Second Space Lord. The changes in Senior Staff will take effect from 3208.099. Further consequential senior staff appointments are expected to be announced in due course.

25 Sep 2014 23:16
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