Earth News

T69 First Minister Lee Zhang Arrested!

~~DISCUSSION~~ A joint IAO/Imperium Security investigation has lead to the removal and arrest of the First Minister Senator Lee Zhang. Senator Lee Zhang, his wife and one of their domestic servants were arrested at his home as part of an on-going in depth investigation by the IAO. At this stage it is not possible to discuss the details of this investigation, but the charges against Lee are very serious indeed and relate to breaches of Imperial Secrets legislation and espionage. Under the circumstances, the First Citizen has, reluctantly, removed him from office, and in the interim Senator Hilmi Ozkok will be taking on the duties as caretaker First Minister while a replacement is elected.

IEN Construction Plans for 3208

The IEN today announced their plans to bolster Home Worlds defence by building more destroyers and increasing the number of pacifier squadrons.

Summary of Planned IEN construction for 3208

  • UoX have already agreed to provide the yards for the construction of two SABI that have just started construction.
  • Tokyo Yards will complete 2 SCI in early 3208 and will then begin construction of 2 HBB to be completed in mid to late 3209.
  • Solent Yards will complete the 2 SCI at the end of T68 and will commence the construction of two SABI to be completed at the end of 3209.
  • Diego Yards will complete the two SCI in early 3208 and will then build three new DD and two new PAC squadrons during 3208, completing in early 3209.
  • Civil Yards A will complete the construction of the two SCI at the start of T69 and will begin construction work on 2 SABI class, to be completed at the end of 3209
  • Civil Yards B has been Returned to Industry with an emergency recontracting clause.
  • TSY 1 will complete construction of the two SCI (staggered in early 3208) and then begin work of three DD, and SSI and and extra PAC squadron during 3208/3209
  • TSY 2 will complete construction of the two SCI (staggered in early 3208) and then begin work of three DD, and SSI and and extra PAC squadron during 3208/3209
  • TSY 3 will construct 3 DD and an extra PAC squadron.
  • TSY 4 will construct 3 DD and an extra PAC squadron.
  • TSY 5 will construct 3 DD and an extra PAC squadron.
  • TSY 6 will construct 3 DD and an extra PAC squadron.


Imperial Party Leadership Latest

Senator Hilmi Ozkok has announced that he will not be standing in the Imperial Party's leadership election to replace Senator Lee Zhang following his spectacular arrest. There are three contenders for the leadership election Lord Bailey, deAndres and Senator Bernard Malvolio.

Senator Ozkok to Retire

Senator Hilmi Ozkok has cited his previously decided intention to retire from politics at the next election and said that he thought it was best for the party to choose someone that could take them strongly into the elections and secure them a working majority.

Three Leadership Contenders

There are three contenders for the leadership election Lord Bailey, deAndres and Senator Bernard Malvolio. This is the smallest field the Imperial Party has had for a leadership election since its rules were last changed in 3192. The winner of the election will become leader if they get more than 50% of the first and second preference votes, the next most popular will become the deputy leader provided that they also have more than 50% of the first and second preference votes. Each party member casts only two votes.


IEN Admiral Allen Exercises Against Exterminators Q5 3208.001-080

A senior IEN Admiral lead a multi-polity force in the largest anti-Exterminator exercise since the last of the alien super-battleships were destroyed at Tuskan under the command of IEN Admiral Tryon.

Exercise Charging Bull

The IEN in co-operation with the Combined Human Fleet in Q5 recently conducted a readiness exercise, 'Charging Bull', simulating an Exterminator attack on Quadrant 5 to gain experience of responding to such events and to look for ways that our practice and standing orders can be improved.

The exercise was designed to present a slightly out of the ordinary Exterminator attack while staying within some of the observed parameters of the original attack. Therefore, as with the real attack on Q5, six ESBs were used as OPFOR, and they operated by clearing a planet, using 1 ESB to establish a base, and then moving out in ESB pairs.

All ESBs arrived at Vorlon initially, on day 001 of the exercise. We allowed a 'standard' observed 50 days for the ESBs to destroy each major colony. The response of the exercise team was interesting. The force sent to Vorlon (consisting of the IEN, MSN and GFAN contingents) was much smaller than the enemy force.

The Vorlon contingent quickly realised it was outmatched and awaited the ESBs' move. When the ESB pairs and Viking 'scouts' left the system, a force under Admiral Allen IEN was sent to destroy the remaining ESB in-system (which was disassebling itself to form a planetary base) and the others moved to Trucker.

Admiral Allen's force, meanwhile, took on the remaining enemy at Vorlon, and suffered heavy casualties (including the Admiral himself) in so doing. And of course, had the ESB not been part-disassembled at the time that the Earther fleet burned in-system, it would probably have noted that it was outmatched and left, illustrating the difficulty of bringing exterminators to battle at a time and place of our choosing.

However, on a more positive note, the Supreme Human Commander was pleased to see action being quickly taken to look ahead and gather Starguard and STUFT merchant vessels at Marti and Over to attempt to form a fleet containing an impressive enough number of large burns to possibly deter an ESB attack, and channel them towards pre-positioned ambush fleets (the 'Tiger Hunt' strategy as it has been described elsewhere), which may well be our only viable strategy for handling Exterminators before they can attack a colony world.

Many valuable lessons have been learnt from this exercise and all QDF standing instructions are being updated.


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