is a world in Quadrant 1 at the center of the [[:universe:7wda]], and was the setting for the [[:universe:7wda:lamconf]] which established the alliance as it is know... located at Lamster.
===== Military =====
The [[:universe:7wda]] naval headquarters and the Council of Defe... makes it a sort of impromptu 'capital' for the [[:universe:7wda]]. The Lamster conference was held there, fu
s a world in Quadrant 1, a member world of the [[:universe:7wda]]. As of 3211, it has a population of 1,160,... .
===== Military =====
Ankh maintains a militia division.
{{tag>Universe background Q1 Ankh FWA System}}
e. The meeting was held in the Diet building on [[universe:7wda:lamster|Lamster]]. A Deadlockian Special Rep... ndependent worlds to join together in a dangerous universe. She ended with a prayer. Bishop Devine was ques
se ======
Nose is a world in Quadrant 1 in the [[:universe:7wda]].
===== Government =====
Nose has a Xyonist... sion. The FWA has stationed a garrison destroyer at Nose.
{{tag>Universe background Q1 Lamster FWA System}}
ody double of First Minister Floralpattern was [[:universe:7wda:z155war:ambush|attacked by IFU]]. Several ZC... position parties organized a provisional government following the war.
{{tag>universe FWA Ind Z155 IFU Q8}}