s is the true mission of the Imperium, protecting all those that want to live a free life. Free from th... ming of the second exterminator invasion gives us all a clear choice. Do we want to protect humanity an... Havana. 'The Imperium deserves hard service from all its citizens, and it expects most from those to w... ed the Academy in 2906."
"The Imperium has given all of us here in the Senate the most that it can giv
s is the true mission of the Imperium, protecting all those that want to live a free life. Free from th... ming of the second exterminator invasion gives us all a clear choice. Do we want to protect humanity an... Havana. 'The Imperium deserves hard service from all its citizens, and it expects most from those to w... ed the Academy in 2906."
"The Imperium has given all of us here in the Senate the most that it can giv
le to allay fears on this score. Cooperation from all local Imperial armed forces and civil bodies was prompt and complete in all cases. Local military and political leaders were ... (from Governor Armstrong and IEN High Command) at all times, and in what he judged to be the best inter... staff), he nevertheless acted within his brief at all times, and if criticism is to fall on his actions
amongst humanity's leaders that would submerge us all in fear, uncertainty and doubt; stoking the furna... mes; and there will be no tit for tat expulsions. All the SALT observers are welcome to stay within the Empire for as long as they wish, and all polities are welcome to send military and diploma... f the street when people obviously need help. But all we will do is offer assistance, if it is turned d
will provide strong purpose and direction for us all. There are numerous threats out their to the very... Earth and it is up to us to ensure that they are all effectively and promptly dealt with.
Lee Zhang's record in office is not all bad, although it remains to be seen whether histo... y while ensuring our own security and safety from all those who would do us harm."
{{tag>Government T6
pulated systems were discovered and investigated, all with apparently the same civilisation (or at leas... etectable by human technology. Their ships are of all sizes and their interstellar ships are huge - and... on.info/doku.php/universe/boldlygo
[OOC: this is all the mission reports supplied by JIM]
ttle and destroy them. However the enemy recalled all surface units and fled the system before 14BF wer... me and effort to deal with this new incursion. We all need to stand together in the face of our common enemy, and provide all the support that we can to those in the front lin
rom Macross, Q6 serving aboard the ESS Ben Gurion all three of whom were seriously wounded in action. All three will be receiving awards for exceptional gal...
Additionally the First Minister announced that all those serving in the Amoss system for more than 5
he local Fleet commanders for the full sharing of all relevant intelligence and the concerted use of force against all external threats against any human systems.
Ea... ly intended role.
I have invited Ambassadors of all other signatories to the Foreign Office to discus
illing over into other systems (e.g. piracy);
In all cases the specifics of the individual case would ... inter-polity agreements current at the time.
For all practical purposes the legitimate government is w
blish a base, and then moving out in ESB pairs.
All ESBs arrived at Vorlon initially, on day 001 of t... e lessons have been learnt from this exercise and all QDF standing instructions are being updated.