octor 2. They quickly captured the TWIT facility, although there was some resistance from ground forces. The... The machine was switched off using a demo-charge, although sufficient parts of it survived for subsequent an... been available and a locum had been used instead, although there was no trace of who this was in the hospita... sed for the early stages of the SAID development, although there is little doubt that some of this was misap
octor 2. They quickly captured the TWIT facility, although there was some resistance from ground forces. The... The machine was switched off using a demo-charge, although sufficient parts of it survived for subsequent an... been available and a locum had been used instead, although there was no trace of who this was in the hospita... sed for the early stages of the SAID development, although there is little doubt that some of this was misap
angar and rear vehicle were destroyed as planned, although most of the troops in the sangar continued to fig... hicle. During this both myself and Dave were hit, although both of us were only scratched and are now fine. ... ilians, one of whom repelled the assault briefly, although the other was very rapidly over-powered. The sang
ounded who were lying out. During these searches, although practically without food during this period, worn... f two officers and collected many identity discs, although fired on by bombs and machine guns. Altogether sh
maged another which has been quiet for some time (although a VIKING module appeared at L'Fayette just after ... unced that this was beginning to show some fruit, although perhaps not as much as they would have wished. Th
liens are clearly very advanced technologically - although so far we have little evidence of their weapons t... tion to the 'post-catastrophe' theory proponents, although Forerunner specialists point out that the Forerun
ding. Usually he votes with the Imperialist Party although he is not formally a member of any faction. If th... r a group of former naval officers in the Senate, although they do not all follow his lead on all occasions.
n mr Steel has alway been terribly 'switched on', although at certain times his main CPU has been off line d... ot under SSR authority but
on their own account. Although the government of the Earther Empire has acnowled