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T93 - No Command Economy for Earth @universe:earth:news
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s not going to lead the Imperium into the camp of its enemies. First Minister Ashanti called for concer... those that wished firm central command went into its grip." "My time in office has been spent extend... clear choice. Do we want to protect humanity and its freedoms, or do we want to be self-serving oligar... ana. 'The Imperium deserves hard service from all its citizens, and it expects most from those to whom
T75 - SRE to Withdraw from Treaty of Old London @universe:earth:news
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that the Solar Republic and Empire is announcing its intention to unilaterally suspend its signatory status of the Treaty of Old London as at the end of 32... ries who can no longer be trusted to value it for its contribution to the common defence of Humanity ag... t any human systems. Earth will be withdrawing its contribution from the scouting fleets which it no
Nearby Systems @universe:ifu
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Subject: Boldly Go Science Team on IEN Odyssey - Mr A. Steel @universe:boldlygo
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eel', a robot described as a 'Sirian Citizen' on its SSR entry documentation, is to be entered by me o... s 'date of birth' for the purposes of calculating its age? Is it the date it was switched on? If it is switched off and on again, does its 'birth' recur? 3. If 'Mr Steel' is damaged or de... imity. It was never the choice of the SSR to have its personnel under the command of Earther officers o
IEN Construction Plans for 3208 @universe:earth:news
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T99 - First Minister Ashanti's Resignation speech @universe:earth:news
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clear choice. Do we want to protect humanity and its freedoms, or do we want to be self-serving oligar... ana. 'The Imperium deserves hard service from all its citizens, and it expects most from those to whom ... re in the Senate the most that it can give any of its citizens. We have a responsibility to return tha... us to protect Earth by protecting Humanity & all its freedoms." “Our greatest export, our greatest as
Operation Boldly Go @universe:boldlygo
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Master Map of the Universe 3212 @universe:background
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Constitution of the Solar Republic @universe:earth:govt
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ed to as simply 'Earth' or the 'Earth Empire'. In its unamended form this is the constitution that was ... he Quadrant, a Quadrant Council of Senators (from its eligible Senators) and a Quadrant Council of Representatives (from whence it shall choose its members of the Grand Council of Representatives).... other electoral group may determine the nature of its own elections provided that the candidates select
Senator Danso Ashanti @universe:people
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shanti is descended from a military family having its roots in the West African Ashante nation. He has ... ave the same budget level. * **ToOL has served its purpose but is becoming outdated**. The regular ... ned. However if any system wanted, by majority of its residents, to join (or re-join in some cases) the... ice in his maternal line (where his family traces its lineage according to West African customs). Exclu
Deadlock War of Unification @universe:q1:deadlock
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size): ==== Union of Democratic Peoples ==== On its own this is Very Poor economically giving the col... argest of the colonies ten years ago and invested its resources in Militia. It then took over the Big Red Mining Corporation, its nearest neighbour, by negotiation, following the ... UDP (then called the New Canaan Colony) to add to its forces. Three years later there followed a short
Nose @universe:7wda
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Lamster @universe:7wda
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Earth Imperium Politics @universe:earth:people
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f the CoR and less than 5% of the Senate, however its star has risen rapidly and it now has around 10% ... r "Rebels" as they continually refer to them) and its reintegration into the Solar Republic. It is rumo... itizens were once members of this party, which at its height rivalled the Imperial Party for support in... scing around the IAO and the Imperial Secretariat itself. There are often also more local interest gro
The Bailey Report
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is believed it was his advice that raised AIM to its current position at a major interstellar corporat... Governor was not aware that the chip existed and its removal caused him severe memory loss. The Gover... es Schmidt and others. The MAFC was justified in its actions to contain the SAID although it could hav... t and was subsequently controlled by the SAID for its own ends for a period of weeks ending only with t
Senator Danso Tupac Ashanti, LoH @universe:earth:people
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IEN New Constructions to 3208.149 @universe:earth:news
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Free Worlds Alliance
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IMPERIAL HONOURS SYSTEM @universe:gf:earth
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Lamster Summit Meeting @universe:7wda
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Killiekrankie @universe:7wda
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Sir Karla Gnough-Duff, KLH @universe:people
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Imperial Party (IP) @universe:earth:politics
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Spuk, Q8 @universe:q8
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Blue Hope Colony, T178, Q8 @universe:ifu:t24
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Deadlock @universe:q1
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Percentage, Q8 @universe:q8
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Mission Procedures for Lakshmi @universe:ifu
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Interstellar Freelance Unlimited (IFU)
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IFU Articles of Association @universe:ifu
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The Free Worlds Alliance-Z155 War @universe:7wda
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Chairman William Jackson @universe:people
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Operation Boldly Go @universe:boldlygo
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People by Quadrant @universe:people
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T93 - We Are At War @universe:earth:news
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Earth Imperium of the Solar Republic @universe:earth
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Zhang Scandal Shocks Senate @universe:earth:news
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Senator Sebastian Rathbone @universe:earth:people
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Old News @universe:earth
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T75 - Wrong ToOL for Attacking HEBs... @universe:havana
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Senator Lee Zhang @universe:earth:people
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Universe Background @universe:background
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Background @universe:ifu:t22
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T24 Timeline @universe:ifu:t24
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T77 - IEN New Year Honours @universe:earth:news
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Firstname Surname @universe:people
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Universe Personalities @universe:people
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Senator Lee Zhang @universe:people
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Jack Rackham @universe:people
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Frank Buck @universe:people
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Z155 @universe:q8
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Grand Admiral to Retire @universe:earth:news
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Brittany Hevanitski @universe:people
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Micheal Wilson @universe:people
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Angeline Floralpattern @universe:people
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Imperial Party Leadership Latest @universe:earth:news
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Interstellar Forerunner Foundation @universe:iff
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T99 - The Lesser of Two Evils? @universe:havana
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Second Space Lord @universe:earth:govt:mil
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