y in Q5. The Commission also took evidence from a number of individuals operating within the Over System t... ound Force Division. They had lost a considerable number to SAID augmented combat robots and also to the d... s. The difficulty of the assault had meant that a number of the key personnel had managed to escape captur... , only two of the four directors were captured. A number of other personnel that could probably shed more
y in Q5. The Commission also took evidence from a number of individuals operating within the Over System t... ound Force Division. They had lost a considerable number to SAID augmented combat robots and also to the d... s. The difficulty of the assault had meant that a number of the key personnel had managed to escape captur... , only two of the four directors were captured. A number of other personnel that could probably shed more
re making moves towards a peaceful unification. A number of colonies voted to merge themselves into larger... tion of some 7 million. These are shared around a number of colonial groups as detailed below.
===== Recent Events =====
Over the last decade the number of independent colonies on the planet has reduced... most of the longest residents. It also has a fair number of newer arrivals in its population as well as a
r who act as aide-de-camp to the 2SL as well as a number of other ranks.
The 2SL command splits down into a number of main Directorates:
* Home Systems Defence (1... is a Vice-Admiral post, however there are a large number of tutors and speakers from all grades drawn into teaching at the college, including a number of retired senior Admirals (with several Grand Ad
re nursery area for newly hatched megadons with a number of further km square managed areas. Basically you... ssibly they would have several 'herds' that had a number of animals the same age depending on the size of the farm.
* **Breeder farms** would have a number of much larger megadons (in the 50-80 tonne range
ces before joining the Starship Marines. He had a number of postings before joining the now legendary 130t... the ESS Agamemnon. He distinguished himself in a number of actions and was with the 130th Regiment on the... t of 130EMR following Op Blackberry. Along with a number of other members of the regiment he broke out of
nd that the reductions in force were limiting the number of interesting posts available to him. Since leaving the Marine Corps he has taken a number of freelance roles being involved in the first Binni war and also a number of other operations.
He has been with IFU for ar