of [[:perfects:hephaestus|Genetically Modified]] people. [[:perfects:chars:sophia_young|Chief Inspector S... illance and detention of the genetically modified people in England.
===== Police Powers =====
Broadly t... n and registered terminal information to identify people that they come across and show the police officer
The result of this was surveillance of known GM people, using powers in the [[:perfects:gm]]. Any offenc... sed Crime & Terrorism Group would deal with these people. A specialist counter GM branch ([[:perfects:natp... m surveillance. It is not clear exactly who these people are or how they are operating.
===== Recent Int
n. He claimed that England was no longer safe for people like him because of people like the Chief Inspector.
==== George Chan ====
The neighbours didn't know the names of the people living next door but said that they hadn't seen t... lable, however the house was found to be empty of people.
^ [[:perfects:welcome]] ^ [[:perfects:chars: