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skyss:chars:yngvild [10 Feb 2021 15:57] – [Yngvild Helgasdottir] added links to parents. jamesskyss:chars:yngvild [13 May 2024 20:47] (current) – [Appearance] james
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 Yngvild is also known as Yngvild the Fierce, and she's the title and POV character for Fierce. She was adopted into [[:skyss:chars:old_bjorn]]'s household on [[:skyss:places:straven]]. Her biological parents were [[:skyss:chars:lady_helga]] and [[:skyss:chars:oddmundr]]. Oddmundr weilded [[:skyss:other:jafnadr]] before Yngvild was born.  Yngvild is also known as Yngvild the Fierce, and she's the title and POV character for Fierce. She was adopted into [[:skyss:chars:old_bjorn]]'s household on [[:skyss:places:straven]]. Her biological parents were [[:skyss:chars:lady_helga]] and [[:skyss:chars:oddmundr]]. Oddmundr weilded [[:skyss:other:jafnadr]] before Yngvild was born. 
 ===== Appearance ===== ===== Appearance =====
-Yngvild is about 18 during the events of //Fierce//. She has long red hair, pale skin and blue eyes. That said, she is a shapeshifter and she can look like anything she can imagine and over the course of the story she takes several forms, mostly human. +Yngvild is about 24 during the events of //Fierce//. She has long red hair, pale skin and blue eyes. That said, she is a shapeshifter and she can look like anything she can imagine and over the course of the story she takes several forms, mostly human. 
 ==== Clothing ==== ==== Clothing ====
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