lliance. There were about 1,220,000 people in the system in 3211. Z155 has a Poor economy. It was founded ... el warning suggesting FWA citizens leave the Z155 system.
===== War with the Free Worlds Alliance =====
... Corps has done some digging in, but not very effectively.
{{tag>universe system Ind background Z155 Q8}}
han in the 3201 census.
===== History =====
The system was originally settled by a group of Yendorian Cl... rate in 3048, becoming the first unified Centauri system in the Quadrant.
The Centauri Quadrant Capital
. In total there were about 400,000 people in the system in late 3206. The population has since expanded t... ance. In 3211 Spuk's economy expanded to BA.
{{tag>universe system background Spuk Q8 FWA BFF Buck IFU}}