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universe:earth:news:zhang_scandal_shocks_senate [13 Jul 2007 22:33] – created jamesuniverse:earth:news:zhang_scandal_shocks_senate [16 Jul 2007 13:20] (current) – modified tags to match std james
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 Lee Zhang's record in office is not all bad, although it remains to be seen whether history shall remember him as a traitor of the worst sort, or as a reformer of the economy who brought economic prosperity. We need to maintain economic prosperity while ensuring our own security and safety from all those who would do us harm." Lee Zhang's record in office is not all bad, although it remains to be seen whether history shall remember him as a traitor of the worst sort, or as a reformer of the economy who brought economic prosperity. We need to maintain economic prosperity while ensuring our own security and safety from all those who would do us harm."
-{{tag>Government T69 news First Minister LZ Zhang Arrested Q0 IAO Senator Ashanti Senate}}+{{tag>Government T69 news FirstMin Zhang Arrested Q0 IAO Senator Ashanti Senate}}
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