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universe:q8:percentage [24 Oct 2010 21:40] – re-edited to be a more coherent story jamesuniverse:q8:percentage [24 Oct 2010 21:45] (current) – added some tags james
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 Of particular note is the square kilometre of chestnut trees surrounding the main Clewgist temple on the planet, known to all simply as "The Lodge". The sacred grove lies within the boundaries of Richmond Park next to the River Wandle. Allegedly all the names of the districts within the city have a particular significance to the adepts of Clewg.  Of particular note is the square kilometre of chestnut trees surrounding the main Clewgist temple on the planet, known to all simply as "The Lodge". The sacred grove lies within the boundaries of Richmond Park next to the River Wandle. Allegedly all the names of the districts within the city have a particular significance to the adepts of Clewg. 
 +{{tag>universe background Q8 Percentage Centauri Yendor Clewg IFU}}
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