Earth News

T93 - No Command Economy for Earth

dateline: 3211.040

First Minister Ashanti spoke to the Senate telling them that there was no way that Earth was going to move to a command economy, we had fought wars to avoid such a slide in the past, and former Grand Admiral Ashanti was not going to lead the Imperium into the camp of its enemies. First Minister Ashanti called for concerted action from the Senate and People of the Earth Imperium to defeat the new alien incursion and the threat to humanity. What is needed is to harness the power of capitalism and for corporations to collaborate rather than compete.

The First Minister's Speech

“The Earth Imperium exists to protect humanity's freedoms, we were forged in the Second Dark Age to protect the enlightened that had made it into space, and we proved ourselves capable of defending those left behind in the Razor Blade War. We lost our way a little towards the end of the 30th Century, but we set free some of the dissidents in acknowledgement that we existed so that humans can be free. This has not changed over the years since then, even the last war against the emerging Venerian Republic was fought only so that we could ensure that only those that wished firm central command went into its grip.”

“My time in office has been spent extending the umbrella of Imperium protection to those small and less fortunate systems that no-one else cares about. This is the true mission of the Imperium, protecting all those that want to live a free life. Free from the interference of the state, except to protect those unable to protect themselves. The coming of the second exterminator invasion gives us all a clear choice. Do we want to protect humanity and its freedoms, or do we want to be self-serving oligarchs?”

“I don't know about you, but I when joined the Navy back in 3138 it wasn't so that I could have an easy life. I joined up because I believed firmly in the ideals of the Imperium and in public service. I was willing to put my life on the line to protect those freedoms and our entire way of life. Even now I would gladly sacrifice myself if that would help to ensure that humanity remained free. Today I continue to serve the Imperium and I remember the words engraved on the front wall of the Naval Academy in Havana. 'The Imperium deserves hard service from all its citizens, and it expects most from those to whom most has been given.' Those words were spoken by First Citizen Abdullah da Silva when he visited the Academy in 2906.”

“The Imperium has given all of us here in the Senate the most that it can give any of its citizens. We have a responsibility to return that with interest. We need to ensure that the enemies of humanity's freedoms are destroyed utterly, whether they are human or alien. We need to ensure that the necessary protections are offered to those that cannot protect themselves, as well as to our own citizens, whether on Earth or in the colonies. It is up to us to protect Earth by protecting Humanity & all its freedoms.”

“The people of Earth live in comfort and luxury because the Empire exists, and because brave people have set out from Earth to build it; there is little expectation of hard service these days. Every human out there is a child of Earth, all of them, even those that call themselves Venerians, Martians, Esteelers, Xyonists, Wolfers, Centaurans and all the others. Every single one comes out Earth and we recognise that in our laws that allow any of them to claim citizenship if they desire. Without all those humans out there creating wealth and trading it back to us we would not have our home comforts and favourite luxuries. That trade is the lifeblood of our economy, we need to trade to live. Earth cannot feed its billions without trade. And as you all know, the cornerstone of that trade is the Navy, however the foundation is the people that leave Earth behind to build better futures for us all.”

“Our greatest export, our greatest asset, our greatest strength, our greatest achievement are the people that take the pilgrim's trail to the stars. Creating the freedom for pioneers to open up new systems, new colonies, new lives, new markets is what makes the Imperium great. We must not forget that, in our luxury and comfort, here on Earth.”

“I know that there is strong support for letting others take up the strain, for only protecting Earth's colonies in the outer quadrants. This seems like the easy option, and many cannot see any direct threat to Earth itself.”

“Such views are delusional.”

“This threat affects all of humanity, indeed our citizens have been the first to be killed. Doggie might seem a far flung outpost of empire to you, but it is a very real part of the economy that keeps us together. Governor Armstrong knows that, and he has been carefully corralling colonies in Quadrant 6 to work together for the common weal. In this hour of need we need to reinforce the outer quadrants and also enable them to take the war to the enemy bases in the outer sectors.”

“Earth needs to co-operate with all of the other human groups, from the smallest to the largest. We rely on them all for trade. It is inevitable that with the drawing of Navies to fight the new enemy that there will be detrimental impacts on trade. We need to step up our game and add to the proteciton of trade. To do that we need more resources for the Navy so that we can build more ships to protect trade and bring confidence to the colonies by flying the flag in all our systems. This cannot be at the expense of defeating the enemy, but we need to remember that the economy is built on confidence, and we cannot afford to lose that.”

“All the people in the universe need to pull together on this, but as the home of humanity it is earth's duty to lead. We have always been in the forefront, and that is one tradition that we need to uphold.”

“As a Senate it is up to us to ensure that the Imperium has the resources, the powers and the will to defeat our enemies. It is clear to me that we need to do something different this time round to ensure that this is the last incursion by the enemy on human space. We might need to take some more concerted action to ensure final victory. Some of those powers might need to be carefully limited to ensure that there is no loss of freedom as a result of this war against our persistent enemy. However I will leave it to the wisdom of the senate on what is required to win this war irrevocably. In the words of an ancient Senator in one of humanity's first republics, who was speaking about the return of a persistent enemy: 'Carthago Delenda Est!'”


T93 - We Are At War

The Earth Empire in Quadrant 6 has been attacked at Doggie, and significant loss of life has occurred. The 14th Battle Fleet have driven off the attacking force without a fight, but they are expected to return.

Widespread Threat

Speaking to the Senate, the First Minister said that reports from Quadrant 6 and Sector EJ make it clear that there is a widespread threat. Enemy bases have been discovered in at least 6 systems in Sector EJ, and a significant human fleet from Quadrant 7 has been despatched to deal with these bases and the enemy fleet.

In Quadrant 6 the first scout ship watched an enemy fleet destroy the orbitals at Doggie before starting an assault landing of the planet. As soon as 14th Battle Fleet arrived at the M25 they started a rapid burn for the planet, hoping to bring the enemy to battle and destroy them. However the enemy recalled all surface units and fled the system before 14BF were able to reach them. Humanitarian aid is being provided to the survivors of Doggie.

It is clear that we face a substantial threat and that it will take a great deal of time and effort to deal with this new incursion. We all need to stand together in the face of our common enemy, and provide all the support that we can to those in the front line. The more than we sacrifice now, the faster our victory will come.


T89 - Retirment of Admiral Hamill

Admiral of the Black Sir Richard Hamill, serving as IEN liaison at Q0 JAC HQ, retired on 3210.200 having completed 50 years service in the IEN.

Retirement Presentation

Admiral Hamill returned to Earth for his last day of service and was greeted by the First Minister, who was a Squadron Commander at the Naval Academy when Admiral Hamill was training in 3160. After a short ceremony where Sir Richard formally exchanged his flag for a retired Admiral's pennant he was presented with a model of the Battleship Guevera which was his last command before becoming a Rear Admiral.

Sir Richard is looking forward to spending some time writing a military history of the exterminator war based on his own experience of being First Deputy to the First Space Lord. He will also be a guest lecturer at the Naval Academies and the High Command and Staff College.


29 Oct 2009 22:52

T83 - Sunshine Fund Established

dateline: 3209.300 Hookum, Q1

First Minister Ashanti annouced today that he had mandated the establishment of the Sunshine Fund to provide low level assistance to those in independent colonies that needed short term help.

Sunshine Fund

The aim of the Sunshine Fund is to provide low level assistance to small colony management to help them stay viable. The fund will provide cash to allow the colony management to buy in specialist equipment or personnel that can increase their ability to survive in what is often a hostile environment. The cash would be granted without obligation at the discretion of the local Quadrant Governor.

The eligibility criteria are:

  • the colony is independent;
  • there are no other polities investing in the colony;
  • there is a demonstrable need for assistance to ensure the colony continues;
  • specialist equipment, resources or personnel are required;

It does not matter where in a Quadrant the colony is located and it is for the colony management to approach the Earth Quadrant Government to ask for assitance, although where there is a clear humanitarian need the help may be offered before it is asked for.

There is a presumption that all requests for assistance will be actioned on rapidly and subject only to sufficient funds being available.

Each of the eight quadrants outside Q0 will have their own fund from the start of 3210.


18 Sep 2008 12:40

T82 - First Minister Condemns Nuclear Attack

Dateline: 3209.287, Hookum, Q1

First Minister Ashanti spoke to condemn the atomic atrocity commited by the Republic of New Luxembourg Colony on Gurmat in Q2. He said “It was with considerable distaste that I read the news about the use of nuclear weapons against people in Q2. This is clearly not something that we can either condone nor allow to go unpunished. ”

Atomic Atrocity

The use of nuclear weapons where there may be civilian casualties is totally unacceptable. Even against military targets nuclear weapons should be an absolute last resort. Earth calls on all governments to put aside their differences and to act together in removing nuclear capability from the Republic of New Luxembourg and also in providing humanitarian and other assistance to the people of 'We Got Here' on Gurmat.

Earth will assist as much as is possible and will freely help any other assistance missions mounted by other polities. Should it be required we are also ready to lend military assistance to the people of 'We Got Here' at their request. We recognise that there is a considerable distance between our nearest colonies and Gurmat, so others are more likely to be able to render timely assistance and we call on them to do so.


18 Sep 2008 12:13
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