m this allowed the fledgling UDP (then called the New Canaan Colony) to add to its forces. Three years ... er there followed a short victorious war with the New Democrats of Deadlock who then voted to merge with the New Canaan Colony to form the UDP. The referendum was... nd the Green Grass Colonies) plus the more recent New Sun Colony. All of the four constituent parties r
gnation speech ======
In the first session of the new senate following the elections, [[:universe:peopl... ars. Creating the freedom for pioneers to open up new systems, new colonies, new lives, new markets is what makes the Imperium great. We must not forget that, in our lux
re Jenna Hiroshi. Ragg was annexed in 3210.
==== New Bermuda ====
A non-member world, New Bermuda was known as T23 until it was annexed by the FWA and renamed. The Military Governor of New Bermuda is Commander Saukam Sutsakhan. There is only a very small FWA outpost on New Bermuda, New El Toro.
=====Recent events=====
te and People of the Earth Imperium to defeat the new alien incursion and the threat to humanity. What ... ars. Creating the freedom for pioneers to open up new systems, new colonies, new lives, new markets is what makes the Imperium great. We must not forget that, in our lux
f losses to the owner as if the items stolen were new. Additionally a period of service to the victim i... red the viability of the colony and a trickle of new colonists. In the first 10 years of the colony bi... colony was an influx of secondary colonists from New Scotland in 3104. Most of these had left as a result of the accession of New Scotland into the Earth Empire although some clea
ived on first supply run 3211.001 and returned to NEW MARS 3216.050. Replaced by 2 x C5
* LSSI Telio... ived on first supply run 3211.001 and returned to NEW MARS 3216.150. Replaced by 2 x C5
* LSSI Helm ... ived on first supply run 3211.001 and returned to NEW MARS 3216.250. Replaced by 2 x C5
* LSSI Xingu... blishment Group ====
Coordination: by Republic of New Venus
Mission Statement: To establish colonies
|Ministry of External Affairs|
|Ambassador to the New Mars |Senator Joni Beedan |Ministry of External... gi |Ministry of External Affairs|
|Ambassador to New Venus |Senator Chiang Chong |Ministry of Extern... Nasa| Governor Franciszek Gagor|
|Governor of New Luna |Governor Greg Faulkner |
===== Colonial
worked to reinvigorate the war effort, and forge new alliances, not least of which was the formation of the grand alliance under the Treaty of New London. His latest move has been to prepare the g... Minister is now 95.
==== Downfall ====
Over the New Year holiday for 3208 Senator Zhang, his wife and
imeline =====
^ Date ^ Events ^
|3208.168 |SS New Guinea leaves system.|
|3208.173 |SS Osprey a... t 500km of BHC. That said, it might be the other new colonists, or some locals who have been a little ... stem, which according to its ping code was the SS New Guinea.
Now, as at 3208.174, you have detected a
reign Ministry is asking for volunteers to lead a new Imperial colonisation effort aimed at putting the brightest and best at the forefront of new colonies.
===== Square pegs for Square holes ==... viduals who can not only "make a difference" to a new colony, but also to help its government develop b