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this page is a game resource for Jim Wallman's Humanity Will Prevail play by e-mail game. None of the material on this domain is canon unless Jim says so.

Operation Boldly Go

Operation Boldly Go was a pan-human operation to explore the centre of the universe and in particular to find the source of some transmissions detected on an earlier journey in that direction.

A multi-polity joint mission to investigate possible alien transmissions originating some some 2HY (around 2,500 lightyears) away was despatched on new years day 3203.

As the ships approached the operational area they monitored the transmissions as they dropped out of hyperspace for navigational purposes, and sent back interim reports indicating that all was well with them so far.

The original transmissions clearly were of a broadcast nature and as we know the first transmission recorded in human space were at least 2,500 years old, possibly much older at the time they were positively verified.

As the Boldly Go mission has closed the range the composition of the transmissions gradually changed and their intensity reduced. They became harder to detect and mostly in the microwave frequency range, indicating the use of tight beams for communications. Wide-band broadcast transmissions pretty much died out about 1,500 light years out.

On arrival in the vicinity of their destination, the Boldly Go team identified an alien civilisation. See the Progress Reports for more details.

The team returned intact to Human space and arrived back at SOL on 3208.265.

QR Code
QR Code Odyssey Mission (generated for current page)