ion of the new senate following the elections, [[:universe:people:danso_ashanti]] formally resigned as First... not afford to lose that.”
“All the people in the universe need to pull together on this, but as the home of... t them absolutely: 'Carthago Delenda Est!'”
{{tag>T99 earth news universe DTA FirstMin}}
nt to take effect from 3208.300.
Vice Admiral [[:universe:people:coinneach_odhar|Sir Coinneach Odhar of Brahan]] will succeed Admiral [[:universe:people:sir_george_tryon|Sir George Tryon]] as Dir... ty. His transfer is effective from 3208.300.
[[:universe:people:yaw_ashanti|Captain Yaw Dumgya Ashanti]],
pan-human operation to explore the centre of the universe and in particular to find the source of some tran... available at:
[OOC: this is all the mission reports s